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UM Meaning Cafe

What’s the Meaning of…



UM Meaning Cafe illuminates the profound value of humanist vocations in a technologically-driven world. As an integral part of UM's ethos, UM Meaning Cafe is a testament to our belief in the power and significance of humanitarianism. Here, you will see through the career experiences and life of participants in humanities vocations, discover the meaning of those careers in modern society and the dynamic near future, and sense the irreplaceable value of their work.


The program encompasses rigorous research, in-depth interviews, and the production of insightful articles and mini-documentaries. By taking a philosophical approach and integrating it with quantitative data and qualitative interviews, we hope to inspire a new generation of thinkers and researchers who appreciate the complexities and importance of humanities in our modern world, incorporating them together with science, technology, and entrepreneurship.

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